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Kim Bum Thinks That Maja Salvador Is Very Pretty

Being his first visit to the Philippines, Kim Bum was amazed by the hospitality shown to him by Filipinos, “It’s actually my first time to be in the Philippines and I’m amazed with the fresh air and nice people.” Kim Bum also felt sorry for the victims of Typhoon Ketsana which flooded the country recently.
Finally, Kim Bum expressed thanks, “Thank you for loving a foreign actor. Physically, I’m far away, but I am always with you. I am always strengthened by your cheers!”
Kim Bum will be staying until 3rd October before returning to Korea and his RC Cola CF with Maja will be shown in the Philippines by the end of October.


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I'm Liezel Kathrine G. Orifon,17 yrs. old, Studying at CLSU.

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