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Erika Sawajiri to break up with Takashiro and her fans want her to be back?

Recent news goes that Erika Sawajiri is to get divorced with her boyfriend Tsuyoshi Takashiro. Before this it was reported that she and her boyfriend together were temporarily living in London and almost planning to get married, but now, they are suddenly going to get separated. There must be a surprising reason: Takashiro has debt on his shoulder.

According to someone in entertainment circles, Takashiro knew Erika likes brand-name products, and in London he bought her lots of high-end items as a gif for her birthday, which cost large sums of money. Takashiro has already spent about 20-30 million yen on her. Takashiro, now short of money, cannot but help care the X-JAPAN reverting concert in Tokyo. He goes all out to make money. He was said also to promote and sell high-priced jewellery.

Takashiro has paid too much on Erika. I wonder how long he can endure. We cannot say that it is an aid communication between them, but it does show that they were not for love to be together if they break up for lack of money. Nevertheless, as the message of separation spreads, the call for Erika’s Return becomes louder and louder!

Some pictures taken from (Taiwan, China) by me: :bbr:


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I'm Liezel Kathrine G. Orifon,17 yrs. old, Studying at CLSU.

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